Dragonspell by Donita K. Paul is part a series called the Dragon Keepers Chronicles. I chose to read Dragonspell in order to be able to ensure its suitability for my fanasty, adventure loving sons. From the very first chapter I was drawn into the story of a young slave girl called upon to participate in an adventure filled quest in search of a rare dragon's egg. As she faces her fears, lack of knowlege, and willingness to serve Wulder, she comes to know more about who she is, her strenghths, and her weaknesses. The characters became my own friends and foes as I found myself emersed in this magical world. Best of all I look foward to introducing my boys to this author and her series. Dragonspell will serve as a wonderful platform for many character building discussions about the adventure with my boys! This series will be a welcome addition to our homeschool reading program for my 9 and 12 year olds. I highly recommend this book for reluctant readers, those that love fantasy, and those interested in going on an adventure that promotes Christian character!
Waterbrook Multnomah Publishers has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book for review purposes, however, this review is solely my honest opinion of this book I have read personally.